Germinate Ideas and Color Music

Germinating Ideas Every summer I plant a wildflower garden to attract bees and butterflys and hummingbirds. I loosen the soil, add some compost, and scatter the seeds. I never know what is going to come up. The seeds slowly germinate, seedlings appear, some turn into delicate stems with tiny purple flowers, some grow into tallContinue reading “Germinate Ideas and Color Music”

Creative People Create Lives

“The most creative act you will ever undertake, is the act of creating yourself.” – Deepak Chopra The concept of creativity being limited to the arts is too narrow. We look at great works of art or listen to beautiful music and somehow imagine that it came naturally to the artist. Sometimes it does. InContinue reading “Creative People Create Lives”

I am not what you think I am

I just started reading a book called Think Like A Monk by Jay Shetty. The very first chapter is about Identity. He opens that chapter with a quote from sociologist Charles Horton Cooley that says, “I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am whatContinue reading “I am not what you think I am”