The Poison of Guilt – The Antidote of Self-forgiveness

I am sitting here this morning, bundled up in my warm robe and socks, with Pepper curled up on my lap, thinking about what I want to blog about this week. Today I am thinking about Courage and Guilt and Self-Forgiveness. A lot of emphasis and study is placed on forgiving others, and that isContinue reading “The Poison of Guilt – The Antidote of Self-forgiveness”

How to Ask 10 Great Relationship Questions

Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you enjoyed my conversation with Christine Baumgartner, the dating coach from  She had a lot of good advice, not just for singles but for anyone in a relationship.  One of the ideas she stressed was doing the work to know yourself and love yourself. And even if you areContinue reading “How to Ask 10 Great Relationship Questions”